Holy cow. Has it been this long? I mean, really? A month and a half? How disappointing. I apologize. Wow.
We've been up to a lot: settling into our new place, I got a job (same market niche, different company) and started Sept 30 and have been working lots, Jason's been working crazy go nuts hours lately and we've been out of town almost every weekend. Needless to say, my internet availability at home has been minimal. BUT we have been having a good time! I hope to upload appropriate photographic representations of what we've been up to.
But first, as promised, wedding photos! In keeping with tradition, the ultimate repository of photos will be on my picasa site ( http://picasaweb.google.com/laura.pugmire ), in the album "Our Wedded Bliss", but also in keeping with tradition, here is a lovely sample.
To come: Las Vegas photos, Kalai photos, photos of our apartment, Sacramento photos (congrats Rebecca and Cameron) and probably some other randoms, including Jason's new love (besides me. Ahem.).
Love you all. And I lost your links because of redoing my background (decided white was best), so post me a comment, why don'tcha, and I'll add your link back to my beloved sidebar.
Called to Serve
14 hours ago