Tuesday, February 16

Happy Valentimes

I spent the holiday away for the long weekend--went to Colorado to visit my sister again and her family. It was so fun! My bro had not seen them since he got home from his mission, so we took a little road trip! It was good times. I have a lot of healthy respect for my brother, and it was so good to see K&J and play palisades with them and play the monster game with the kids. :) They are so fun!

When I got home late last night after braving the snow and ice of Wyoming roads, I had a lovely spray of flowers waiting for me on the coffee table, as well as a video queued up which Jason had made for me. He is adorable. He has put the video on his blog which you can view here if you are interested. I basically just sat there and cried. How did I end up with the best husband ever? I think it was pure luck, blessings, and a whole lot of you people talking me out of running from the best thing that has happened to me. Thanks, peeps, for helping me have the courage to take a chance on the Jason: he consistently exceeds my expectations. I am amazed and feel very, very blessed. I don't know how long he and I have to spend together in this little mortal existence, but I feel very lucky for every day.

p.s. If you can't get the video to work, keep trying. Apparently it works sometimes if you just keep at it.

p.p.s. The song is called "I Love You Anyway" by Jason's friend Jarrett Burns, a singer/songwriter whose album Jason is working on mixing and producing. Jarrett wrote this song and sang it with Debra Fotheringham. I love all of his work so I'll definitely let y'all know when the album is done. xoxo


Melissa said...

Ha! And you were all sad about not having flowers yesterday evening! You just had to get home to see them! I knew it!

Karie said...

I love it! And I love the song, too. Maybe you'll let us know on your blog when it comes out?

Jenn said...

Oh that got me teary-eyed too! You can just tell how much he loves you with that video. I'm so happy you decided to jump into the whole marriage thing--it's so easy to see what a wonderful couple you two make. And I'm now obsessed with that song. I think we should all get a preview copy of that song to put on our blogs and spread the word about him...mostly because I LOVE that song!

Kristen said...

That was so cute that I'm going to puke... oh wait, maybe that's the stomach flu that is wreaking havoc in our household right now...
No, I'm actually fine and somewhat teary. That was so sweet I don't know whether to be thoroughly jealous or thoroughly cheesed out.
Thanks for coming out to visit, thanks to Jason for being okay with being without his sweetie on Heart Day. You two really are perfect together, and I heart both your guts!!!