I have been "tagged." This, apparently, is a common thing, and now I must expose you to the dismal details of my past. Onward:
10 Years Ago:
I was a junior in high school, getting ready to take the ACT and looking at scholarship applications. I was still in my shy and awkward stage because I was younger than everybody else I went to school with, so I just tried to fly under the radar and not draw any attention to myself. This was also the time that Tif and I wrote one of the best plays of all time, which remains unrivaled e'en to this day. Especially because it got us out of Mr. Langei's class every day... genius. And I was getting ready to take driver's ed. And was about ready to turn 16 and start to date. And, unfortunately, already had my first date lined up... prom. Ick. Worst date ever. Oh, the memories... My sister Kristen was applying to BYU and I was uncertain about how I was going to survive my last year of high school without her. I was, however, stoked for tennis season! I heart tennis.
5 Things on my "To-Do" list today:
1. Finish compiling data displaying results of integration testing on my latest programming project. Yes, it is as boring as it sounds, which is why I'm writing on my blog. I needed a break.
2. See Vantage Point with some girlz. I heart action and drama films, too, but not as much as tennis.
3. Find time to do Pilates.
4. Talk to my love interest on the phone. Only one more Friday of phone dates, yahoo!
5. Read dem scriptures. I heart those more than tennis.
I Enjoy...
Springtime, outside, sunshine, running (who knew?), tennis (see above), Spanish, kids, sharing the gospel, laughing, dancing, Jason, witty banter, Pilates, travel, the smell of fresh-cut grass, strawberries, swinging, the theater, good tunes, driving fast cars, snowboarding, walking through undisturbed snow, surprise hugs from behind, being with family, hammocks.
What Would I Do If I Were Suddenly a Billionaire?
Definitely set up a school in Latin America to give youth and single parents computer hacking skills. I mean, actual computer skills. I have a whole plan for this, actually. The teachers would be a local resident, first trained then left to act on his/her own, so the school would be self-sustaining. I'd become highly involved in the microenterprise and microfinance world. I'd give a whole huge chunk to the Perpetual Education Fund and see about how my computer school could partner with it and grow to benefit more lives. I'd probably get another degree or two just for the sake of learning. I'd pay off my parents' mortgage and give a chunk to my familias for investing. I'd fund some scholarships hopefully through my high school or through the Marriott School. I'd like to see a joint MEd and MBA degree at BYU and I'd push for that. I'd invest a ton of it so it would grow for my kids' and grandkids' futures. Ha, I have all kinds of ridiculous ideas... now if only I were a rich woman, ba da biddy biddy bum...
5 Jobs I Have Had:
1. IT Consultant at Revenue Solutions, Inc.
2. Spanish teacher at the MTC
3. Art Prep Liaison at Premier
4. Intern with Novell's IS&T Architecture Team
5. Sales Clerk, BYU Bookstore, General Book
I am supposed to pass this on I think... to three people... I will tag... Tif, Kristen, Melissa, and Meres. HA, that's four! I'm busting up the limits all over the place. Ain't nobody gonna tell ME how many people to tag...
President's Day Weekend
4 days ago
this was super fun to read... I learned lots more about you!
...um...I think we wrote Shoes in Freshman english-not Junior!
I just saw this...I'll have to get on the tagging train, except I don't really have anyone else to tag, so I guess it'll end with me!
Pug, i just love you. And I love Morgan for being born so she could be your MTC companion so that I could meet you through her. Good post.
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